Monday, February 28, 2011

A Good Thing Gone Bad

There was a time in my life, where Kraft Dinner was my reason for waking up in the morning but this all changed one faithful weekend. The weekend began with the excitement of getting a group of 9 teenagers, crammed into a tiny cabin, with no supervision, at the local ski hill. From our point of view it seemed like the perfect weekend, to others it would seem the recipe for disaster. As I packed for this most epic adventure I did so with mentality for a day of skiing, forgetting about the essentials. After I finished packing I got the phone call from my friend saying that he would be picking me up in 10 minutes, at the end of the conversation he said "oh yeah, what are you bringing for food", embarrassed about my ignorance about forgetting all about food I vaguely replied "I got a bunch of random stuff". I quickly raided the pantry grabbing all the instant meals, which included of course Kraft Dinner. After we had arrived at the small blue cabin we began unloading and as we all put our food supplies on the kitchen table I began to see a trend. I'm not sure if it was lack of imagination or simply it was all we knew how to make, but we accumulated a total of 18 boxes of the creamy cheese covered dinners and not much else. So for dinner we inevitably decided to make a quadruple batch and I greedily ate my share to the verge of being sick but still I couldn't wait till we made more. Luckily for me 6 hours later at approximately 3:00 am another quadruple batch was served, but it wasn't up to its full potential,which was most likely from the chef's lack of sleep. The noodles where slightly over cooked and the cheese mixture was not fully stirred resulting in the wet sticky balls glueing themselves to your teeth upon contact. The next morning we decided to start skiing late in order to do a clean up of the kitchen, which was a mess of orange paste and half cooked noodles plastered to everything. After a half hour of sweeping and scrubbing my love for the meal began to turn to hate and I was ecstatic when it was over. After we returned from skiing hungry and tired, I searched for something to eat other than K.D but all I came out with a granola bar; it did not suffice. Instead of walking all the way to a restaurant that was colossal 400 meters away I decided it would take less effort to make Kraft diner. This time was different though. As I carried out the repetitious task of cooking the noodles I did not look forward to eating them, instead I ate them only to fill the empty void in my stomach. Half way through the bowl I felt sweat begin to cascade down my face as if my body was pleading with me to stop eating but it efforts where futile. I even licked the bowl clean and truly began to feel disgusted with myself. It wasn't long after I drifted asleep as my body went about the task of digesting. The following morning I could'nt believe my nose as the smell of another batch being created filled the room, making me gag. I desperately searched for another food but found nothing. As I starred into the abyss of yellow slop, I truly feared for my life not knowing if my heart would be able to handle the further assault of trans-fat and cholesterol. Eating the thick mass seemed almost torturous and it took all my strength to keep it down, yet strangely I craved another bowl. Then it was time to do the final clean up, a task that drove me to make a vow not to eat it ever again and a task that task where indescribable pain was felt. Kraft dinner was my long time favorite foods for almost 17 years and in one weekend it became one that I absolutely loathe, for now.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk a Paragraph

"F*#!" my neighbors baby is crying again, it's became such a constant that he or she has replaced my alarm clock. I look outside hoping to see the sun but as usual the thick blanket of cloud blankets the city sucking the little energy I had right out of me. I look towards the towns mall from the top floor of my ancient complex and the realization of what today brings the energy and life back into me. I walk to my bathroom splash my face with cold water, briefly looking at the calcium build up caked on to the beat up faucet, but their was no time to clean. I grabbed my razor, it felt almost foreign it had been so long and my neglect showed up on my patchy gray beard. I decided to try a goatee, it turned out not bad considering it was my first time shaving in a month. I looked at the clock I was running late as usual, I grabbed my last pair of "cleanish" jeans, a warm coat and of course my lucky Budweiser hat. I ran down the stair 3 flights feeling my bad knee from high school football every step, finally i walked across the road to the depot. I walked in calmly receiving instant criticism for my choice in beard style "cute goatee Kent" joked bill, I smiled and pretended it didn't bother me. I grabbed my route list, knowing it of by heart anyways. Me and Bill hopped in the truck heading towards Purdy's Chocolates in the mall our first stop, we didn't talk, we never did; probably because we didn't lead the most exciting lives so we had little to talk about. As we unloaded the crates, I thought of my plan to get rid of him in order to get myself some privacy with Linda. I said "I'll finish up here you go unload the second stop", he shrugged and went about doing as I asked. I began walking towards the store pushing the blue tattered dolly, with the slightly bent left wheel and as I turned corner I made eye contact with the short lady behind the store counter. All I i could do was was smile and nod, I couldn't even push out any words. She said "oh you can just set those over there" gesturing towards the cash registrar, I quickly replied "alright". As I walked back I saw bill heading my way "what are you doing?" I snapped. "Oh right" he replied and went back to the truck, barreling through the doors, I grabbed the door so it wouldn't slam in the lady's face that was walking through after him and we politely exchanged greetings. I grabbed the rest of the boxes and headed back, my heart pounded even more the closer I got, I knew I had to redeem myself from the last visit. I dropped off the boxes where she had asked before and got her to sign as usual, I then smoothly asked "could I buy a snack off you, no time for breakfast this morning" she said sure and grabbed me a bag candied peanuts saying "these ones are on the house" and smiled. "Well how about I pay you back by buying you dinner sometime" the words leaped from my mouth without me thinking, I waited for the inevitable excuse of how she would be busy, but to my disbelief she said "I would like that". We exchanged numbers and I left smiling all the way to the truck, which was a block away at the next stop. The rest of the stops flew by as I carried out my tasks with a new found vigour and we finished early for a change. By the time I was back at my apartment the clouds had lifted and the sun was shining in showing how dirty my place really was, I began cleaning from the whole house from the greasy pizza boxes to the persistent calcium build up. After it was up to my standards, I mustard up the courage to call Linda and we decided Thursday would work best for both of us, I finished the rest of my night watching T.V. As I laid down in my bed i felt excited about tomorrow instead of dreading it and as I reflected about my day I felt I had made change in my life, something I had not done for a very long time.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

21 century education

The most important skills for my post high school life will be able to take in large amounts of information and basically regurgitate them back onto one of many tests I will take in university. Another expertise I will need after I graduate and join the work force will be based on finding a solution to a problem that will have many partly right answers but only one answer that is adequate. In order to be successful with a job I must be able to pick the answer to the problem that best fits the requirements.

High school prepares me for post secondary and beyond by teaching many important concepts and life skills but can't always teach all of them. The ability of taking large amounts of information and using them in a test setting gets thoroughly covered in classes such as biology, chemistry and even math. These courses are based on memorization and using a number of concepts and applying them to a specific problem that will work out to a perfect answer with whole numbers. This will work for post secondary school but is not a true life skill. As for the skill of figuring out an answer for a broad questions with many different answers, there is only english class that tries to teach some skills to tackle such a problem. This is why many students including myself find this class frustrating and it would be beneficial for more classes to teach such a question in order for us to become accustom to it .

In a perfect school all the classes would be more collaborative and focus on teaching how to come up with our own personal and creative ideas. In order to make classes relate to each other better 2 similar courses could be combined into one class that can covers both curriculum's; such as physics and math. In today's schools we learn math separately but in order to learn physics we need math; so it would make sense if we learned our math concepts so they can can directly applied to physics. This would take out the frequently asked question of "when am I ever going to use this in my life". Biology and english are also able to be combined as well as provide more creativity to biology. This can be achieved by instead of simply copying and pasting out of the biology book in order to memorize the information, it could be combined with the English aspect and be marked on how you took that information and creatively put it into your own words in order to show your own understanding.

Next year my goal is to be going to UBC Okanagan and studying applied sciences which is engineering. This involves taking all many types of sciences and applying them to real situations and is why I took so much interest in it and hope to make a career out of it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Historical Event

I awoke in a daze with a gauntlet of feet all around me; it felt more like a battle field than a concert. I was pulled to my feet by a man who was covered in a mix of sweat and mud, the smell was overwhelming. I looked to the stage that was 100 yards away and couldn't make out who was on stage but i recognized the song, it was purple haze the last song in his set lists. Then I remembered the reason I was here and instantly I started pushing though the sea of people. The song was nearing the end when I finally pushed through to the stage fence, it was to loud to just yell at him I knew it was essential to get closer. As he struck his last chord my adrenaline started pumping, the crowd erupted and pushed forward all cheering trying to touch him resulted in them sandwiching me against the front of the stage. he took his bow and began to exit, still struggling to push from the grasp of the crowd I gave a final push and at that moment a space freed, I threw myself up onto the chest high stage. I ran towards him dodging a tackle form security and got within yelling distance but I drew a blank as he turned and looked at me I stuttered on the words "September 18" he just nodded as if he understood. I felt a sharp pain and before I knew it I was thrown back into the crowd of Woodstock. My message was clear Jimmie Hendrix lived to 70 which was good considering his life style and didn't end up dieing from over dose.