Wednesday, February 16, 2011

21 century education

The most important skills for my post high school life will be able to take in large amounts of information and basically regurgitate them back onto one of many tests I will take in university. Another expertise I will need after I graduate and join the work force will be based on finding a solution to a problem that will have many partly right answers but only one answer that is adequate. In order to be successful with a job I must be able to pick the answer to the problem that best fits the requirements.

High school prepares me for post secondary and beyond by teaching many important concepts and life skills but can't always teach all of them. The ability of taking large amounts of information and using them in a test setting gets thoroughly covered in classes such as biology, chemistry and even math. These courses are based on memorization and using a number of concepts and applying them to a specific problem that will work out to a perfect answer with whole numbers. This will work for post secondary school but is not a true life skill. As for the skill of figuring out an answer for a broad questions with many different answers, there is only english class that tries to teach some skills to tackle such a problem. This is why many students including myself find this class frustrating and it would be beneficial for more classes to teach such a question in order for us to become accustom to it .

In a perfect school all the classes would be more collaborative and focus on teaching how to come up with our own personal and creative ideas. In order to make classes relate to each other better 2 similar courses could be combined into one class that can covers both curriculum's; such as physics and math. In today's schools we learn math separately but in order to learn physics we need math; so it would make sense if we learned our math concepts so they can can directly applied to physics. This would take out the frequently asked question of "when am I ever going to use this in my life". Biology and english are also able to be combined as well as provide more creativity to biology. This can be achieved by instead of simply copying and pasting out of the biology book in order to memorize the information, it could be combined with the English aspect and be marked on how you took that information and creatively put it into your own words in order to show your own understanding.

Next year my goal is to be going to UBC Okanagan and studying applied sciences which is engineering. This involves taking all many types of sciences and applying them to real situations and is why I took so much interest in it and hope to make a career out of it.

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