Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk a Paragraph

"F*#!" my neighbors baby is crying again, it's became such a constant that he or she has replaced my alarm clock. I look outside hoping to see the sun but as usual the thick blanket of cloud blankets the city sucking the little energy I had right out of me. I look towards the towns mall from the top floor of my ancient complex and the realization of what today brings the energy and life back into me. I walk to my bathroom splash my face with cold water, briefly looking at the calcium build up caked on to the beat up faucet, but their was no time to clean. I grabbed my razor, it felt almost foreign it had been so long and my neglect showed up on my patchy gray beard. I decided to try a goatee, it turned out not bad considering it was my first time shaving in a month. I looked at the clock I was running late as usual, I grabbed my last pair of "cleanish" jeans, a warm coat and of course my lucky Budweiser hat. I ran down the stair 3 flights feeling my bad knee from high school football every step, finally i walked across the road to the depot. I walked in calmly receiving instant criticism for my choice in beard style "cute goatee Kent" joked bill, I smiled and pretended it didn't bother me. I grabbed my route list, knowing it of by heart anyways. Me and Bill hopped in the truck heading towards Purdy's Chocolates in the mall our first stop, we didn't talk, we never did; probably because we didn't lead the most exciting lives so we had little to talk about. As we unloaded the crates, I thought of my plan to get rid of him in order to get myself some privacy with Linda. I said "I'll finish up here you go unload the second stop", he shrugged and went about doing as I asked. I began walking towards the store pushing the blue tattered dolly, with the slightly bent left wheel and as I turned corner I made eye contact with the short lady behind the store counter. All I i could do was was smile and nod, I couldn't even push out any words. She said "oh you can just set those over there" gesturing towards the cash registrar, I quickly replied "alright". As I walked back I saw bill heading my way "what are you doing?" I snapped. "Oh right" he replied and went back to the truck, barreling through the doors, I grabbed the door so it wouldn't slam in the lady's face that was walking through after him and we politely exchanged greetings. I grabbed the rest of the boxes and headed back, my heart pounded even more the closer I got, I knew I had to redeem myself from the last visit. I dropped off the boxes where she had asked before and got her to sign as usual, I then smoothly asked "could I buy a snack off you, no time for breakfast this morning" she said sure and grabbed me a bag candied peanuts saying "these ones are on the house" and smiled. "Well how about I pay you back by buying you dinner sometime" the words leaped from my mouth without me thinking, I waited for the inevitable excuse of how she would be busy, but to my disbelief she said "I would like that". We exchanged numbers and I left smiling all the way to the truck, which was a block away at the next stop. The rest of the stops flew by as I carried out my tasks with a new found vigour and we finished early for a change. By the time I was back at my apartment the clouds had lifted and the sun was shining in showing how dirty my place really was, I began cleaning from the whole house from the greasy pizza boxes to the persistent calcium build up. After it was up to my standards, I mustard up the courage to call Linda and we decided Thursday would work best for both of us, I finished the rest of my night watching T.V. As I laid down in my bed i felt excited about tomorrow instead of dreading it and as I reflected about my day I felt I had made change in my life, something I had not done for a very long time.

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